Do you really think that people doubt that they will die? We all will do it, it's inevitable. In fact, think about it this way... as a programmer, digital artist, gadget lover, everything that I do relies on electricity and my participation. If I were to die, it goes away. Long forgotten. If the power goes out, the impermanence of my daily endeavors is woefully apparent. That's why I donate time to not only less fortunate kids in assisting them with their academics, I also donate my phones/gadgets (for the most part) to battered women shelters. But face it, this entire generation doesn't think about their mortality. Most just think about this moment only and not what may lay ahead. It's perhaps the saddest thing that I can perceive about this generation and/or society of folks that hide behind anonymous usernames and gather gadgets to fill some habit/hobby. But I digress... Yes. I think about what legacy I will leave by interacting with people that I can affect in a positive way. And that's a lot more important than even my daily operations. The part about how everything is impermanent that I create has never been far from my heart. I knew that when I wrote my very first program when I was a kid. Pull the plug, it's gone for a few minutes. The plug disappears (for some reason), the work disappears forever. Plant a tree today, it may grow. If it does grow, it'll be there for others in the future.