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javispedro's Avatar
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Ok, so, right after discovering a method to run what I want on the device, an update comes and breaks this method. And all we get is vague promises about a brighter future.

I am having Déjà vu. Lots of it.

Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
They also said that the situation will improve with the next update. Seriously, it's a holiday right now, please have some patience. I bet you wouldn't like it if your boss/customers asked you to work in your holiday either..
Oh, I fully agree. In fact, I would really wish that whoever this "boss" is would stop asking these employees to ship, during Christmas, updates that actively cripple the device. That would have been much better.

"Cripple first, give explanations latter" was basically the Aegis motto during the early days.

And I'm not even saying that this update completely cripples the device. But, hey, as said, set your priorities straight. It has been mentioned in this thread for lots of pages that "annoying tinkerers" might not be in the best interests of the company. A few words instead of "future updates may or may not completely cripple the device" would be nice.

Look at Stskeeps' post: it was detailed, technical, mentioned future plans, and got a lot of karma. He obviously forgot to mention that locking the bootloader was so high on Jolla's TODO list that they would do that during Christmas and before other features such as, say, allowing this lock to be bypassed when there is no lock code were implemented. *cough*

But at least there were some words. As it stands now, it seems that we have another method, that may or may not last until the next update, which means we're back to a page#1-like panic again.

Last edited by javispedro; 2013-12-28 at 03:48. Reason: Changed quite a bit

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