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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
And how do you install developer mode on the device that you have stolen from someone which asks you devicelock code on the boot?

We are not even trying to protect the case where user has installed developer mode by himself, as he as dismissed the warranty may void dialogs and such.
Besides having the bootloader in an IMG file to play with ? Which, can be used across devices ? OH! security doesnt matter once developer mode is accepted Right, so all an employee have to say is ' I dont care' and then you write off all responsibilities.
That will work surely, for all companies who might have considered a Jolla acceptable for a empoyee device, I am sure.
Jolla went wrong here when it comes to developers and an open device.
Mistakes happen, but come on, this whole process untill now have been compiled of nothing but closed communication, doing stuff and them telling.
The bootloader locking is just the latest example.
Not even in the changelogs was it mentioned that Jolla locked the bootloader.
Luckily, the first security flaw was discovered within hours to restore the unlocked bootloader.
But, even if I can hack the device to 'get around' Jollas attempts to protect, its not the point. I DONT WANT TO. I want the device open without having to spent MY time breaking it.
There are enough of these devices around.
Nokias being some.

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