Hi guys, I broke the screen of my old n900. So I took my second one out of the drawer. I reinstalled the second one from the backup of the first one. Now, I have a strange problem. If I synchronize my google calendar account though mfe with m.google.com on the old device, it works. (i use x11vnc to access the device without screen) If I synchronize on the second one, I get an error: "Exchange account disabled. Access refused" Even though the configuration is exactly the same (same backup restored). I've tried to get some logs by installing and enabling sysklogd. But haven't found a trace of the error in /var/logs. How could I have more info about the sync failing? I have read somewhere that google doesn't allow new devices but still works with old ones. Is this true? Anyone has an idea? A way to make the new device look like the old one? I don't want switch the lcd screens of the phones and risk to break something.