Let me repeat myself. I dont give a rats a.. about SMS. Let me name a few that is imprtant for me 1. Full proxy support 2. WLAN monitor mode 3. WLAN packet injection 4. USB host mode support (yes, I would like a cabled connection attached also) 5. Updated SDK to match release firmware 6. LOADS of updated binaries. They are most very outdated. Openssl is crippled, and so is OpenSSH. SMS, Skype, MSN, Exchange, IRQ, Jabber, etc etc similar messaging, I also dont give a rats behind. and - top of my list - a fully downloadable, restorable, factory image of the firmware. UPDATED ASOONASANYTHINGISRELEASED. Plenty have bricked their devices, I was close. and worse, after a so-called factory reset, I was left with v. version, which would update anything. Only thing that saved my ***... was a backup, and my unlocked bootloader!