Thread: [Fremantle Maemo5] [Announce] Character Map for Maemo
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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
What is the sort mode (did not get it)?
To be absolutely honest, I am not entirely sure myself. That part was copied from scv-reader. I have noticed that it changes the order of entries in Chapter but I am not quite sure how or why.

And when flipping through the tables the edit box gets filled. I would like to avoid that, so that a symbol is only added on a real touch, not a move.
I know and I was trying to get rid of that. The problem is that even a scroll is registered as a button press and I do not know enough about GTK to avoid it. I will try to look into that to see what can be done.

In the meantime, you can use the cursor keys to navigate through the character table. The highlighted character details on the right will still get updated but without entering the characters into the edit box. Any accidentally entered character can also be deleted from the box by simply editing the box.

One workaround would be to never enter characters on touch, only highlight them. Then having a button in the right panel for actually entering the character. I had considered it but thought it was a bit clunky. I would welcome people's opinion on the matter.


The part below describes a potential future update, please do not confuse it with the current release.

I have an experimental Qt version in the works. It works a bit better: to start with, scrolling is not registered as a button press. The cells in the character table look like real buttons which I find more aesthetically pleasing. They can also be made smaller so I can get a row of 8 characters instead of 5 (the map as it is now is painted by libgucharmap7 itself and I have no control over the parameters). Only the valid characters can be put on the map rather than all characters with blanks for non-printable ones as it is now. And, last but not least, I have it working in portrait as well as landscape.

Here is a little taster:

Name:  Screenshot-20140511-135634.jpg
Views: 411
Size:  26.0 KB

Name:  Screenshot-20140511-141814.jpg
Views: 406
Size:  24.4 KB

Unfortunately there are a few little problems with it. I cannot choose the character set. That is an API call to libgucharmap7 that tells it what to draw. I have not yet found a way to squeeze the list of characters out of it, without letting it draw anything. And, despite trying hard, I have not found any description of the API anywhere, so I could only go with what I could glean from the headers and what scv-reader used.

Another problem is that the Qt version crashes when trying to display too many characters (such as all of them). This is caused by every character being a separate button and it looks like Qt does not like forms with thousands of buttons in them.

So I had to go with the GTK version for the time being.
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