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[OT]While important topic indeed, maybe we should start another thread about package managers?

Anyway, what pichlos said about benefits of having frontend is *exactly* what I use FAM for - it's just much easier to browse things that appear in repo and search for things that may do the thing that I need. 'apt-cache search' and 'apt-cache show' alone is much more troublesome to use, IMO.

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
There are potential issues that can happen when using apt-get over HAM in Maemo, due to the differences between Maemo and Debian packaging and repositories.
Examples of problems, please! It is exactly the argument that I tagged as "some imaginary problems that no one ever encountered". I use apt-get and FAM for everything since dawns of time, and I never, ever touch HAM for any new N900's that I put my hands on. kernels, CSSU, whatever. Never had any problem, and never heard any details about what those problems may be. AFAIK, those "possible problems" are another hoax that joerg_rw injected into public - just like some misinformations about busybox-power and kernel-power in the past - without any proof or reasonable technical explanation. bb-p and kp myths died on their own (mostly, thanks to some quasi-agressive conversations between kernel-power developers and said hoax-maker, on IRC), but "FAM shaming" seems to live happily, god knows why. Maybe because there is no maintainer around, to defend own package against unfair accusations and outright lies.

And don't even get me started at the "possible problems due to automatic autoremoval of unneeded packages" checkbox. It is freakin' optional thing, and complaining about it is as valid as accusing apt-get of having "autoremove" option (which is exactly the same thing that FAM uses with this checkbox). I sincerely hope that anyone using this know what she/he is doing.

Overall, the whole thing is very sad example of complete lack for hard work of other people in the "Community" (FAM hasn't coded itself, you know), based on some ego-hat creating hoaxes and spreading it, due to personal dislike for said project. That alone wouldn't be a problem - unreliable, yet extremely opinionated people happen everywhere. What worries me, is how easily "Community" pick up on those things, showing disdain for other's people work without actually checking on facts/verifying them on your own. I don't know, relying on false "authority" of some arrogant dudes is so tempting, or what?

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
Tagged as speedyHAM these HAM fixes are currently available from the development repo and make HAM lightening fast. Well, as lightening fast as a package manager can be that's looking through repos full of uuencoded icons
That is good to know, thank you. I'm glad that someone decided to take look at HAM, after all - IIRC, the fact that no one decided to do it before, was a little "behemoth" codebase of HAM. Now I'm stretching my memory to ancient ages so excuse me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall FAM author writing "somewhere", that he decided re-writing it from scratch as apt-get frontend was actually easier.[/OT]

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