Over the past two years I think we can all agree that IR technology, especially the one way IR technology of the N900 is now almost mute in comparison to Bluetooth 4.0 and NFC of it's Android counterparts.
Even though I owned (and still own) numerous batteries for my N900 I was never a battery swapper, on average use my iPhone will last me for over 24 hours on one charge. If in use in conjunction with my iPad, much longer. The concern of a removable battery never bothered me.
Flash, the argument being laughable in retrospect. Never really affected me.
I have come to the conclusion that cloud based storage is far superior to removable storage
Other than that, I don't know how some of you could still be using the N900 as your primary communications device in 2014.
For some reason iOS 7's implication of Siri is poor (as opposed to iOS 5/6), it was on my iPhone 4S and on my iPhone 5S, the voice recognition is not as good as it was previously - I can't explain it.