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Originally Posted by TomJ View Post
  • It would be nice to easily disable TV-out when not needed; sure the device is plugged in, but we don't want it burning cycles for no gain. I wonder if a script that toggles it on when the BT mouse or keyboard is attached and disables it it when the last one of them disconnects could be crafted?
I had originally considered charging the phone from the TV's USB port, but that resulted in some nasty noise from the TV when displaying the N900's output; some sort of interference with the audio line for some reason. Then I remembered that about 5 years ago I had acquired an energy saving plug that was being given away by a newspaper in conjunction with a power company; it's designed to kill power to peripherals (monitor, printer etc for PB, DVD player or similar for TV) when the main device powers down. With the N900 charging from that, a script detecting charger state could toggle not only TV-Out, but also bluetooth and until I come up with a reason for it to be online all the time, wi-fi.

The downside is it wouldn't be being charged the whole time and if I were away for a while might die entirely, which would be annoying when I came back and had to fiddle with chargers. This could be mitigated by having the script toggling starving profiles to extend battery life. I could also program the telly to come on for an hour or so every couple of days. Whether this would outweigh other powersaving measures is left as an exercise for the student. Of course, the really swish solution would have the battery reaching 5% trigger an IR command to power up the telly and to turn it off again when it reached a reasonable charge... This would depend on the feasibility of having the N900 permanently positioned such that the telly's remote receiver could see the the N900's IR transmitter,

  • Not directly maemo related, but I wish I could persuade the TV to turn on at a set time with the ext input rather than the aerial. If I did, I'd want use Alarmed to display one of my maemo homescreens at the same time, with my Calendar Home and OMWeather widgets. I might even instruct it to get OMP streaming Radio4 or 6 Music.
Thinking about it, if the telly turned on tuned to the same station as OMP, two presses of the remote source button would bring up that "Today" screen. Thinking further, why not have the N900 do that? (see caveat in last sentence of my previous paragraph).

Sorry for rambling on, but explaining this for other helps me work out the ideas.
Want to know how to add public holidays to your device calendar? See the instructions wiki page.

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