Thread: TOHKBD rev2
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Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
Exciting software can't come without reasonably capable hardware. Expecting miracles from low end hardware is irrational. Sailfish with a few apps open is anything but a fast or smooth experience on the existing hardware ... and it's only likely to get worse as the level of complexity and resource requirements increase (as per 1.1).
I have a feeling we have already been at this before... still I just cannot let picking on your point...

I do not know how you manage to use your device to make it slow?
Mine is fast and smooth regardless how many applications I am running on there. (most of the time under 10 but how many do you usually need anyway?)
Or else we have totally different expectation on what a device should feel like?

Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
There's every reason to abandon the existing TOH shape, size and fit. It leads to a blocky, ungainly phone with extremely poor environmental sealing.
I agree on the environmental shielding. However it would be much more difficult to have DIY's if the TOH concept was fitted as IP-something-protection; I believe probably impossible to manufacture with 3d printers.

About the form factor and look&feel of the device design; I find it beautiful and intrestingly different from other devices whish usually follow the soapbox-design-from-samsung likeness.

Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
Also it means another completely bespoke package for the phone, which their OEM has to work around. If they share basic physical platform with other phones, or slightly modified, costs are considerably lower and QC issues are unlikely to be as bad.
I have no idea what are you talking about here?

Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
Besides ... are you seriously expecting Jolla to use exactly the same camera and lens? No? Well you'll need to cut a new hole in all your TOHs for a new camera on a new Jolla phone.
Camera could be better, yes of course, but the size/positioning of the camera module could well be same in future models.
(The said future models which will not be released in at least a year, maybe longer.)

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