Thread: TOHKBD rev2
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Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
What are you comparing it to? The N900? Then I guess it's relatively fast and smooth.
The most bizarre thing I find about these people claiming that Sailfish on the Jolla is so fast and smooth, is that they usually also argue that more powerful hardware in the near future is unneeded and would barely offer any benefit. Do they even believe this themselves? Sailfish has 'proper' multitasking, so if you're going to make real use of that or be a power user, you're definitely going to benefit greatly from better hardware ... add Alien Dalvik in on top of this, and an almost bottom of the range Qualcomm SoC and 1GB of RAM is perhaps not all that you could ever want.
See my numerical calculations bechmarks of NumPy comparing 3 note/netbooks and 6 tablets & smartphones. Jolla smartphone is faster than Nexus 4 in 3 of 4 benchmarks (both using 1 CPU core and Sailfish OS) . In 2 of 4 benchmarks, Jolla smartphone is faster than a Asus 1005HA netbook.

Compare how little RAM Sailfish uses with Android, how little battery drain, etc. Sailfish has many advantages over other Mobile OS.

Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
- I think we can consider Jolla a dead duck if their new phone isn't on the market by this time next year. I'm pretty sure your confident assertation that it'll be at least a year or longer is not compatible with plans they may have.
I also think that Jolla needs to release Jolla 2 smartphone in 2015 to attract new Sailfish users. But not everybody needs/wants to upgrade every year. For example, my Nokia N9 from 11/2011 still works very well, including its battery, multitasking, etc. I also expect to use my Jolla smartphone for some (2-4) years.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

Last edited by rcolistete; 2014-10-30 at 16:18.

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