Thread: TOHKBD rev2
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post

I do hope that no one pledged something over there :/
Why??? Not all fundable projects have deliverables, imagine redevelopment/reveng of n900 which is closed source and you cannot make 100% accurate guesstimate how long it will take. You can shoot for 50k, while 45k could possibly suffice, oh wait, you definitely want to play transfer my funds from that last cashier to the next as the project will go on regardless. Funding/investment because 'I believe' should not be discouraged (and yes, i'm aware of a lot of scam artists/professional victims that earn money this way to keep doing what they do, should not be a reason to stop the cool projects anyway)

And btw edit: Gratz guys! Been a while for a good project to get good funding so quickly, faith restored

EDIT: oh wow, as usually jumped to conclusion, the guy who copied over dirk's project should burn in hell, still the 'fund me without goal' option should not be dismissed,sorry

Last edited by szopin; 2014-11-04 at 23:10.