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Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic View Post
This is completely untrue. There are monthly/bimonthly updates, the support forums are buzzing all the time, features/suggestions get listened to and added (if popular enough). There seems to be more issues hardware related, but these have died down an awful lot as of late. If you have hardware issues, from what I have read, Jolla have been very quick to sort them. I can honestly say support is better than many mainstream companies (HTC and Nokia lemon devices like the E7, I am looking at you!).
I figured as much. Again, I'd like to reiterate that I was looking for correction. Thank you for that.

I agree with you on this, the device is a little too big for me. I have gotten over it though.
I think it's a beautiful device, aesthetically and technologically. Sure, the specs are low, but the entire concept of TOH just does it for me.

I still do not get this. I would be hopeful this could be sorted though.
IMNSHO, the fact that they don't sell spare batteries has to be one of the most braindead moves of this past decade-and-a-half. It's like selling a Swiffer mop and advertising replaceable pads, yet not sellling the pads (of which no one else makes). So stupid.

I've used the phone with heavy duty Android apps and lots of open apps. The device is fit for purpose as is. I think with the recent price cut to €249, the price is a lot fairer. With the HWKB soon to arrive - we will have a QWERTY slider with a modern OS - no other phone has that right now!
This is also very true.

UI is fine, a little ugly compared to Harmattan, but intuitive enough to use.
From what I've seen (videos, screenshots), I don't think it's ugly at all.

lol - who cares?
Lol I do. I know it seems stupid, but I really dislike that. I don't like it when people call an NES a Nintendo, and I find it generally annoying. Imagine if that happened with the iPhone. "Oh, I'm gonna buy an Apple! That new phone, from Apple!"

As opposed to the Maemo community which is slowly dying, or mainstream OS's like WP/Blackberry which are disintegrating? Only Android or Apple aren't pessimistic right now.
Interesting. From what I understand (again, could be wrong), the Maemo community is alive and well, and the Neo900's injecting more life into it.

Where is here?
I did complain about their support for NA before saying that.

I have no idea why people are so anti-Android compatibility layer. The compatibility layer allows me to fill the gaps (I run banking apps, remote control apps, Firefox and loads of others). If not for Android apps being available on this, I would actually not have bought it.
I'm not against the Android compatibility (in fact, I do hope that Jolla can somehow incorporate ART into Sailfish instead of just using Alien Dalvik). It just seems to me that their priorities are a tad shuffled. They started the whole Android compatibility thing out-of-the-gate, and haven't really let-up on that. I'd really like to see them develop and mature their very own OS rather than taking Google's red pill.

I had considered selling myself, but the HWKB looks to be the real deal and has drawn me back.
TOHKBD has to be, hands-down, the most beautiful, most nifty keyboard I've seen on a handheld. The d-pad, placement of the Shift and Symbol keys, and the general conventions it follows make it quite the site to behold.

Last edited by Tigerroast; 2014-11-19 at 20:28. Reason: typo