flasher -f -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21- -R flasher 3.12.1 (Oct 5 2011) Harmattan WARNING: This tool is intended for professional use only. Using it may result in permanently damaging your device or losing the warranty. Suitable USB interface (bootloader/phonet) not found, waiting... USB device found at bus 002, device address 009. Device identifier: 357923041420508 (SN: N/A) Found device RM-696, hardware revision 1507 NOLO version 2.3.6 Version of 'sw-release': DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3.480.04.1_PR_480 Sending ape-algo image (7103 kB)... 100% (7103 of 7103 kB, avg. 20891 kB/s) Suitable USB interface (phonet) not found, waiting... USB device found at bus 002, device address 010. Device identifier: 357923041420508 (SN: N/A) Raw data transfer EP found at EP2. Ping attempt 1 (250 ms) Server application: 1.7.2 Found product RM-696 rev. 1507 Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8 Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21- Image moslo not present Image mmc not present Image tar skipped Image config skipped Battery level 62 %, continuing. image [state progress transfer flash speed] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [_] cert-sw [init 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-2nd [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-algo [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-mcusw [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] xloader [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] secondary [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] kernel [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] rootfs [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] ERROR: SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 10: Security failure image [state progress transfer flash speed] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [f] cert-sw [init 0 % 1 / 1 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-2nd [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-algo [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] cmt-mcusw [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] xloader [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] secondary [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] kernel [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] [ ] rootfs [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ] Fetching error list: ======================================== bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed bb5_rdc_cert_read failed Downgrade disallowed (1349781588) [Pipe 0] Finishing in error state with status 10 ======================================== ERROR: Failed to flash images
flasher --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset
ssh developer@