Dude, I get where you're coming from but the point was from an average consumers point of view. Lenovo T60... sure Windows7 is not too sucky, but this thing is aged bro. And not aged like wine, but like milk. Better to settle for something from 2012 (Ivy Bridge) and up. Upgrading of 2 years (and up) can ensure you upgrade at the major release, ie the tick of the "tick tock cycle".
Jolla Tablet is vaporware as far as the average consumer is conserned. Jolla phone is small, slow, hard to get, difficult support, little third party interested as far as the average consumer is concerned. Its a very small niche. Blackberrys, Symbian, webOS, FirefoxOS, Ubuntu Phone.... all niche. In fact, its hard to even recommend a Windows Phone 8.1 device.