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Originally Posted by kapu2 View Post
The instructions say you must disable Aegis before installing this patch... so in order to do that, I need to have Inception installed....right?

EDIT: LIES. I only need Coderus's aegis-hack, is that right?

EDIT2: Reread this thread and actually absorbed the information into my brain. In order to install with aegis-hack you have to follow the steps THP said to make a deb or such, which I cannot do with my limited skills :/ Next step, figure out how to enable open mode?
I Down loaded acf libsms-utils0_0.5.17.3+0m7_armel-mod.deb
And install aegis hack . Made a folder called cd were i have libsms deb file . Then i start the terminal app . Write devel-su . Then password :rootme . Then Write : cd /home/user/MyDocs/(name of folder were the libs deb file are ) for me the folder is cd . Hit enter
Now you Write :aegis-dpkg -i libsms-utils0_0.5.17.3+0m7_armel-mod.deb hit enter.
Now it finish . But i installed Harmoji before i did the rest .