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Originally Posted by mithrandir View Post
Thanks for the hard work.

Since things are moving on now, and you are starting to create the shop. Will there be an option for selecting the keyboard layout, i.e. german?
Of course we'll add an option to select such stuff like kbd layout in webshop. Just I can't guarantee we will find the right keymats for everybody.

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
I'd just like to say I've been following this thread quietly with interest for a long time now. You guys have made great progress and, and I love the open approach you have taken - part of the fun of backing a project like this is sharing the highs and lows through the process. I will love my Neo900 even more when it arrives knowing all the hard work that went into the hardware design.

I'll probably wait until the webshop opens to up my donation - still very keen though! I just found it a bit unnerving when I donated the first 200EUR (PayPal) and didn't receive any confirmation.

Joerg, I appreciate this might be a difficult quesiton to answer, but if you had to estimate the % completion of the project (or if you like, the % of risk left), what would you say?
Sorry we didn't send out confirmation for PP donations yet, since PP already does. We'll send a mail to all donors/customers with the credentials to log in to the webshop customer's order check page

I'll try to answer the % questions by giving a very rough estimate. I can be wrong on it!
project completion technically 50%, total (incl organizational, infra and all) 80%
risk for the project to fail hard: 1...3% (thanks to the N900 we found now, was higher before) *), risk we can't reach all features we hope for right now: 15% (e.g. in Pyra it turned out the lead time for WLAN module might be some 6 or 9 months, which often means "forget this component")
Again this are numbers based on a guts feeling only.

*) The fact that we transformed all donations into proper down payments (actually credits) internally and are now handling all further payments as such down payments / credits linked to a normal commercial (pre)order may tell about the trust we/I put in the project actually succeeding, since when it would fail then Neo900 UG would go bankrupt on paying back the credits and I'm the one liable in that case.

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2015-03-27 at 03:43.

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