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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
ExFAT is not only Microsoft, but ExFat is also requiring royalty payments.
As does Exchange support if I'm not mistaken. I'm welcome to be corrected here but didn't Google drop ActiveSync support because they had to pay Microsoft to use it?

That's not to say they shouldn't pay for or implement proprietary tech but the "It's proprietary" excuse used by many rings hollow. As I understand it, it wasn't Jolla using that excuse at all but that's what the idiots on TJC were using as a totem to hang their argument on.

I would guess the same idiots are ok with DropBox, Facebook, Whatsapp and any number of centralised proprietary long as they're getting them for "free".

And if you're offended by being called an idiot in the broad sense I'm using, you're being an idiot.

Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Dropbox OTOH does not require royalty payments.
And that's how you get sucked in to proprietary solutions that may not have your security or privacy at heart, change their T&Cs at a whim or whip the service away with API changes, partner agreements or being sold to a bigger proprietary solution.

I appreciate these proprietary solutions may be commercially a good idea for Jolla to implement so that it's one less pain point for people who aren't as "sensitive" to the issues and just want to send files to each other but at one point Jolla were "Unlike" and I'm not sure what that means if the services the phone supports aren't.

Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Anyway, weren't the remainig CalDAV issues supposed to be fixed with 1.1.9?
When it's released I'll have a look properly but I'd be surprised. Each release they say they've fixed something in CalDAV yet my simple test of adding an entry on my Mac, which syncs to CalDAV fine never makes it to my Jolla, makes it but is 1 hour out, disappears on the next sync or vanishes when you edit it on the Jolla. It's got better - at one point you couldn't even get a list of calendars.

I watch the github buteo_sync pages hoping that one day there's a bug fixed for "Apple's CalDAV" or similar but there's never that much activity. It doesn't seem to be high priority even though it was IIRC top three on TJC before they declared it "implemented". I don't know which CalDAV implementation it supposedly works on but it's not OwnCloud, SabreDAV or iCloud.

Originally Posted by pycage View Post
If not, you should be more precise on what's broken.
Ah, isn't the CalDAV implementation open-source, btw? Volunteers?
I've looked at the code myself but a) it seems to be spread over many projects and b) I'm not a C++ coder and really don't have the time.

Also, I'm not sure it's entirely the back end that is the issue as setting up the account in Sailfish's accounts UI is a frustrating affair whereby if you get something wrong you have to delete the account and start again. Syncing itself seems to be opaque with no indication in the GUI it's doing it either manually, automatically or at a timed interval. Of course, nobody can touch that bit as that's closed.

However, if anyone does want to have a look at buteo I will set up free hosting of a CalDAV server for them to test. Since v11.50 of cPanel (I run a cPanel based web hosting company), they've included built in CalDAV and CardDAV support which is based on a SabreDAV backend. It even supports auto discovery of CalDAV & CardDAV so setting it up for Jolla users, if implemented, should be as simple as just entering in the main URL of the server, not ports, principals or paths.

Anyway - back to discussing Sailfish 2.0 form rather than function....

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