Just a heads up for those who would like to go back to Sailfish UI 1.0 in the future: If you have any problems with your Jolla and are thinking about sending it for a (warranty) repair, you better do it now. When you send it to Jolla Care they usually flash it with the latest software release, so you cannot restore to any earlier version. That's why I asked them if they could load 1.1.7.x instead of 1.1.9.x and they said they usually cannot fulfill this wish, but as version 1.1.9.x is only a preview release of Sailfish UI 2.0, they can ask their contractor to load 1.1.7.x instead (they do not promise there won't be any mix up on the contractor side, but they will try to make it clear to them). But this will only be possible until the next release (Sailfish 2.0.x.x) comes out, as it will be the only supported version and by flashing the latest version, they have to make sure the issues you have with your phone are not system-related. So hurry up, or don't send it there at all.