Jolla Tablet Refunds (latest developments)
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2016-01-04 , 12:36
Posts: 343 | Thanked: 819 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Paris, France
I can see two sort of people here:
- the ones who wish Jolla to disappear. They will find all sort of reasons for that. That is very easy to find them. That is the same when you get divorced, you always find good reasons for it
. Those people probably have a secret wish in that the end of Jolla is slow to let them write still much about it. They can say that at Jolla they are liars, that they are bad in PR, that management is bad, that they do not deserve to stay alive after so many disappointments ...
(the only thing i never read is that sailors are not committed which is at least something)
The only thing which surprises me is the energy and the time they spend. I personally do not have time for arguing that much especially for something which at the end does not interest me anymore.
- the ones who hopes for a mix of community, foss, european, privacy, fancy, multitasking, independent, ... to deliver an alternative to the two elephants in the room. They consider Jolla as their best hope for that (and probably have some interests in other players like ubuntu touch).
This is like politics. You will never find a party that fits all your needs, all your wishes, all your opinions.
Jolla is not perfect. If you feel like it, you spend money for them. If there is not enough people interested in them, they gonna disappear.
This is part of human being to always find ways to criticize. That is so much easier than building something (I am not sure that there are many start-up leader around tmo).
Critics is constructive as long as it is not : "they are all liars" "they stole our money" "support is nowhere" or tell obvious thing as being negative "they are behind others in functionalities for developers and customers" "they lack a proper budget to develop their OS" or when you comment the past over and over "the delivery of first phones was a fiasco" "the special thing for early adopters was a joke with a ringtone and a t-shirt"
Everybody (should) knows the weaknesses of Jolla. But everybody knows the commitments of the people behind the scene.
If I lose the money of the tablet, be it. I am investing in an alternative OS that I hope will go on.
If they disappear, I can already hear so many "I told you so, that was not serious because of blah and blah and blah". If they do not disappear, I can already hear so many "you see, I knew that was so promising and you know what, I was an early adopter"
Conclusion: that was my contribution to that useless discussion, I thank me for that
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