Thread: [Fremantle Maemo5] [Announce] OpenSSH status widget
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Posts: 136 | Thanked: 263 times | Joined on Nov 2012 @ Germany
Quick update

Sometimes "other" connections was "1" instead of "0" due to sshNetstat which sometimes gives an empty line:

sshNetstat = getoutput("netstat -t | grep :ssh.*ESTABLISHED").split("\n")

    if not "ESTABLISHED" in sshNetstat[0]:
        sshNetstat = []
Changelog in v2.2-6:
* fixed counting "other" connections: sometimes netstat gave an empty line
* removing scripts in /etc/ssh with postuninstall

--- Edit ---

Hmpf, removing scripts went completely wrong. When installing v2.2-6 a second time, the scripts in /etc/ssh are being installed but uninstalled immediately by the postremove script - strange.

Now I've produced a mess: If you installed v2.2-6 it has to be uninstalled before installing another version. Otherwise the scripts are not installed.

This one is tested in detail and works:

Changelog of v2.2-7:
* removing scripts in /etc/ssh with postremove - second try - UNINSTALL v2.2-6 before installing v2.2-7
OpenSSH Status Widget (N900)
Start / stop / kill / restart / autostart server - View server status - View server and client connections - Switch wifi pm automatically

Simpler Brightness Applet (N900) - A variation of the Simple Brightness Applet
Short tap to toggle "keep backlight on" - Long tap to open display settings

Last edited by rasmarc; 2016-12-18 at 20:40.

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