What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2017?
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2017-09-19 , 16:16
Posts: 269 | Thanked: 1,097 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hampshire, UK
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As far as I see, there are a few possibilities in 2017:
What do you guys think?
GPD Pocket
I'm very pleased with my GPD pocket, though I can see some might not be.
GPD (it seems to me) obviously ran into some issues, technically and commercially along the way, and did the best they could in the circumstance. I think they were out of their depth trying to produce the Linux version (the way they present firmware images and git repos alone shows that). The various community members working on it have produced much better results. I installed Linux Mint from the Nexus511 image from reddit (f.hate reddit though
) and it works really well. Theres a few things I probably haven't tested yet (microphone springs to mind) and as yet no data support on the USB-C.
My unit has the lid sensor / standby issue - cured by removing the hall sensor IC. I also found one screw missing internally when making the mod - not sure if that was deliberate or accidental, but I added the missing item without problem.
Build quality is excellent, it feels really robust. Only time will tell of course. IT's a little heavy to be pocketable, even if you have suiable size pockets.
It's a great little useable linux box. e.g. Last night I was working on a Mathcad calculation in WinXP in virtualbox on it, while sat in front of the TV. Also scribbled a couple of short python scripts and ssh into a couple of other machines. Battery life is great - I was at 75% after probably 3 hours use. Lots of times I wouldn't bother dragging my laptop to customer visits unless I anticipated wanting it - I will certainly have the GPD along in similar situations now though. (I won't be leaving it datalogging inside a lamppost overnight like I do my Toughbook though
Gemini - seems it should be much more pocketable than the GPD. I was initially skeptical it would end up with a linux distro available, but that seems more likely now. Great pedigree on the mechanical design. If I had written an ideal device spec before this existed, it would have been close to this... Psion5 mechanics and form factor are probably as close to perfect as I can imagine.
Librem Purism - I think it's too soon to have an opinion. I hope they succeed - whatever they come up with will be some alternative to the major players, and that must be a good thing. Too far off for me to get excited about though
Neo900 - Reusing the N900 mechanics is too limiting IMHO, even if it had arrived in a reasonable time. To work at all, it would have had to be a drop in replacement while N900 owners were still using their devices daily en masse. Now it would just feel a step backwards, even with brilliant hardware behind the screen.
Pyra - haven't been following this one, other than it seems to have been 'around the corner' forever.
'Chenphone' - I have high hopes for this one. More a 'more useful phone' than a 'more portable laptop'. Chen has been very open about his design aims and decisions. I don't think Chen can ship this year, though I obviously hope I'm wrong. Thats not because of any doubts of Chens capability, simply cynicism borne of 25+ years doing hardware design projects. (I don't think he'll miss by many months though
Last edited by epninety; 2017-09-19 at
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