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Originally Posted by almaviva View Post
Thanks DrYak. Yes, I bought the card at a big retailer in Germany.
Okay, so we've excluded a "fake" card.

Originally Posted by almaviva View Post
To your other questions (check "access rights (by default root)", "what does 'mount' terminal command say" etc.): Unfortunately I don't know how to do this at the moment. I am new to the Sailfish world (since yesterday), and I'm new to Linux as well (coming from Windows...). I will take this as a challenge and explore this in the weeks to come, but this will take time.
Oops, sorry. As you're playing around with a slightly beta OS, and using parted I kind of assumed you were fluent in linux.
Sorry, my bad !

Originally Posted by almaviva View Post
Ok, I googled a bit and installed PuTTY on Windows. I enabled develper mode and remote connection and I connected successfully as "nemo".

Entering "mount" brings a lot of stuff... Perhaps the last line could be interesting:
/dev/fuse on /opt/alien/storage/sdcard0 type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=100000,group_id= 100000,default_permissions,allow_other)
The thing that interests me is something like :

/dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/sdcard/<some long hexdecimal string> type ext4

(an easy way would be to pipe, to connect to another command like grep that can filter : "mount | grep mmc")

That would be a sign that at least the system is trying to mount it.

In linux, devices on the SD/MMC bus tend to show as /dev/mmcblk<n>
where n is the device.
On sailfish device, mmcblk0 is the embed flash "eMMC" that contains the system (the 32 GB of the Xperia X), and mmcblk1 is the microSDHC / microSDXC card.
mmcblk1p1 is the device as which the first partition (p1) shows up.

Originally Posted by almaviva View Post
Entering "systemctl" brings again a lot of stuff. The expression "sd-mount@mmcblk1p1.service" is not in it, so I assume the service is not running.
For some weird reason, the service in charge of automatically starting the mount didn't start.
(On Sailfish X, sd-mount is the service in charge of mounting stuff plugged in)

("systemctl | grep mmc" can help to filter)

Originally Posted by almaviva View Post
Tomorrow I will figure out how to "mount something as root". Now I'm going to bed. Thanks for the help!
First something, extremely useful : in bash (the shell on which you're typing commands) "tab" key auto-completes. (or if there are more choice, advances to the point where there are more choices, and the next tab displays you a list of possible commands). That's really useful, because paths like "/dev/mmcblk1p1" would otherwise be easy to mistype.

"devel-su" : sailfish x specific way to as root. It will ask your password (again), and the the prompt will change from 'nemo' (the default user) to 'root' (the admin).

then :
"mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/sdcard/"

check for any error message.
check also the system log : still as root, "journalctl --since '5 min ago' "

other useful stuff (all need root, because all need direct access to the blocks on the device) :

"blkid /dev/mmcblk1"
gives info about what it detects on the raw card (should detect your partition table)

"blkid /dev/mmcblk1p1"
tries to detect the 1st partition

"lsblk" (list all the known block device) or "lsblk /dev/mmcblk1" (only the partitions on your card).

"fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk1p1".

Whenever a command displays an error message instead of what you would expect, remember to peak in journalctl (still as root)

journalctl and systemctl use a list display mode similar to "less" when they have a giant list that goes beyond the content of your screen.
You can scroll and pageup/down, and the "/" key brings a search box.
you can type "/mmc"+enter to search for the first occurence of the string, then "n" or "N" to go to next / and previous match.

another possibility is to open a second putty session and have
again as root ("devel-su") "journalctl --follow" running an constantly display new log message as they come by.

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