@minimec I didn't change anything in pulseaudio settings, but alot of things have changed since my last builds...i'll investigate what is new in the audio section. EDIT: I have updated the pulseaudio packages(pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue and pulseaudio-modules-droid) to the latest version. Could you install them and see if the clipping is still there? . The 60-sensors-hammerhead.conf is now integrated in my configs so sensors should work out of the box after updating. Thanks for your help. Can i replace your old bt script with the new one in my configs? Regarding cm12.1, i'm not sure if this base is still completely supported by libhybris, the adaptation layer between android an SFOS, so i'll ask some people in #sailfish-porters about this. Now let's wait for the new SDK, to bring to the Nexus 5.