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The Legend of the Black Knight, N900 and Maemo CSSU.

Written with N900, the names in the story translations from finnish.

The world had fallen into darkness. Darkness had reached the furthest parts of the earth after the once so powerfull kingdom of Smutchia, which had been the greatest on earth, had fallen. But everybody had seen it coming. It was no suprise after what the king had done.

There had been troubling marks in the air for some time. Enemies had been gathering their troops by the borders of Smutchia and people had heard about battles everywhere, seeing their greatest carriers of the flag being carried as wounded back from the frontline. Everyone was afraid, just waiting when the borders of the kingdom would be crossed by the enemy. When everyone had lost their hope and dispair had taken a strong grip on each heart, there suddenly rose - as it seemed - from nowhere, The Black Night!

Knight had armor never seen before, undefeadable skills, and power that could not be challenged. He was clearly born to be a leader, the one to carry the flag of Smutchia before their troops! People had hope again! Their were sure Smutchia would be saved!

But the hope didn't last long. Knight had one thing that caused a problem: he was not to bow down before the king. He was ready to fight for the kingdom - but as a free man. He didn't want to be controlled by the king, neither did he wan't to spy the people and support a throne that was ready to betray the people and deny their right for privacy. It was known that some other carriers of the flag had worked for the throne as spies, but that was something the knight would not do, ever.

Soon the king understood that he could never have the Black Knight as a loyal servant of the throne and he could not tolerate anyone disobeying him. King also became alert because he noticed that the knight started to get followers - as disobedient as the knight himself. King did not see any other option than to get rid off him. In secrecy from the followers, the king sent his assassins to kill the knight and burn his body. When the morning came, only thing the followers could see of the knight was the tombstone on top of knights' ashes, saying: "Here lies the remaining ashes of N900, the rebel. May there never come another one like him".

When people saw what the king had done they were furious. They had put their hope and trust on the knight, worked hard with him for the best of the kingdom, fought the enemy by his side, and now the king had undone their every deed and thrown away all their achievements. Riots awoke, people gathered behind closed doors whispering what could be done. No one wanted to serve a king - that stupid - anymore.

When king noticed that he had lost peoples respect and loyalty he panicked and made another mistake that would become the deathstrike for Smutchia. Because he no more trusted his own servants or advicers he turned for help to another kingdom, which had been whispering promises of help to his ears. King invited a counselor from that other kingdom, wellcomed him with a triumph and promised half of his kingdom if the counselor would raise him and Smutchia to their previous glory.

For to be able to help Smutchia, counselor Livinglop said he had to have full power and control over everything in Smutchia. The king obeyd and had it announced to the whole kingdom. Straight away counselor Livinglop ordered both the followers and successors of the Black Knight to be unarmed and captured. To keep them armed would only be waist of time, work and money. Only the weakest of Smutchias carriers of the flag were to remain in the battlefield, securing their frontiline and borders.

It didn't take long before the enemy heard about it. Easily they took down the carriers of the flag, without them being of any real challenge, crossed the borders of the kingdom and took over Smutchias capital. When that happened, counselor Livinglop escaped with the most of the remaining wealth of Smutchia with him. Too late the king got his eyes opened and understood that the other kingdom had all the time been his worst enemy, laughing at him behind his back, the counselor being just a trojan horse. King should have understood by the name of that kingdom how hard its leaders were and that they had minimal intrest of showing softness to anyone. King crawled to the deepest chamber of his castle, closed the door and was not seen since.

That was how the world ended up under darkness. Soon after that, without having anymore a strong leader or kingdom with rightheous codes of conduct, the world fell in chaos and everyone started to live on a gray area. No one cared anymore what was right or wrong, people were just trying to get as much as possible for themselves. The ones who had taken the land under their power used spies to gather information about people, which was then used to manipulate people to give their money to them or to serve them as slaves. Some were dragged from their houses when spies got enough information to suspect them to be rebels.

Most people just gave up and didn't care anymore about anything - but not all. There was still a small group of followers of the Black Knight. They never accepted that N900 would be gone forever, even though his grave was right before their eyes. They practiced in secret the skills the kinght had taught them, everyday passing the final resting place of the knight giving a secret bow, showing their loyalty and respect to their one and only true leader.

That loyalty, that respect, that hope and love was so strong that Mother Earth (Maa-Emo in ancient finnish), could not leave it unnoticed or without a reward. She let the spirit of the followers to put a beat to one heart that had been stopped since the beginning of the world, just been waiting in the world of magic and mysteries something noble enough to be seen among humankind. The creature started to form itself from the ashes of the burned hero, underneath the tombstone. Those who walked by started to shout in astonishment when they saw the stone moving. People started to gather around the place, followers of the knight among them.

At last there came a terrible shriek in the air when the ancient birdlike creature, the Phoenix, rose from the ashes of the knight. Everybody fell on the ground when it spread its wings and took off, having a big white egg in its claws. High it rose, getting its strength from the spirit of the followers, even though at that moment all they could do was just watch, barely being able to believe their own eyes. When the Phoenix reached the sky, it looked down - and dropped the egg! Faster and faster it came down untill it hit the ground making it tremble so hard that the tombstone was cut in half. The egg cracked by the hit and from the remains of it stood up - The Black Knight! Some people started to cheer shouting, some bowed down humbled by the glorious presence of the one they honoured so high.

The Black Knight went before his loyal followers, drew his sword and said: "Kneel down, you loyal ones! There are no one who earns to be knights as much as you my friends".

From that day on the sky started to clear up and darkness to faid away. Black Knight started to form a new kingdom around his loyal followers. Rules were written on tabula rasa, none of the former hideous scripts, codes or condacts left. Opennes was the new sourcecode of conduct, the driving force for the growth of the kingdom, it to be build stable and trustworthy. There were still battles between other kingdoms and swords needed to have bleeding edges once and a while, but the kingdom had now come and it was there to stay. All the backdoors, which spies had been using, were closed, and the community kept watch that no new ones were made.

And glorious the kingdom became, led by the Black Knight, who was not anymore as powerfull as before compared to the enemies who had got time to strenghten themselves, but who was still victorious with the support of the knights of the newly formed order, The Holy Order of The Knights of the CSSU.

This I, a mere servant and scribe, have written to honour all those who were loyal, who did not give up, who practiced their skills in secret, who shared their knowledge to all who came to seek from them truth, honour and freedom. This I have written, so that no one would forget, and that no one would give up loyalty or hope - ever. When you find yourself in your darkest hour, when it seems there is no hope or light, just remember the Legend of The Black Knight, N900 and Maemo CSSU. It's legacy rules forever: Light always conquers the darkness, and loyalty is always rewarded.

Your humble servant,
Maemish of Finland

The Unofficial Crest of Maemo

Thanks to juiceme for sharing his storage.

Last edited by Maemish; 2019-01-30 at 19:04.

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