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Did what I could. Made an Instagram update with Leste logo, asked for help, put your tasks link and a bunch of hashtags to reach for right persons. Atleast did something. And edited the post because of typos as in this image and added "Debian or devuan wizards?".

Edit: And wasn't an easy task to get this image to you. I can use this forum only with my N900 (sometimes I remember I have a workphone also but didn't remember when I posted this image). I can't access here with my computer through wifi cause my IP is banned and it doesn't change if I use Fsecure freedome VPN or not.

So I made the post to Instagram with my old iphone 4s and took a screenshot which I thought I post here. But I can't post here with my iPhone which uses wifi and is banned.

So I thought that I will send to myself the image with Telegram (from iPhone Telegram to my N900 Pidgin Telegram) and then post it. But in Telegram I haven't found an option how to send to myself something. So I first added myself to my contacts in N900 and then to my buddies in Pidgin but I did not appear in the budy list. So then I tried to add myself with iPhones telegram app (first making to myself a contact info on iPhone contacts) but I couldn't make it. Telegram does not make me to be a buddy to myself. I didn't want to send a random image to just some of my buddy contacts (would have needed to explain why I sent it) and then get it from there with pidgin telegram plugin to my N900. Then I noticed that I have this chat with Telegram which notifies me of loggings to my account. I tried with the links and yes, they were sent and received and I got them to pidgin telegram. Then tried with the image. Download canceled.

Ok. I have to send it to myself through mail. But I don't have my mail on my iPhone cause it has no security updates (and apple you know) so I need to use mail wth a browser. I've got (safari disabled) Kaskersky Safe Browser, Doplhin browser, Opera Mini, Dolphin Incognito privacy browser. None of them (it seems) opens startmail login screen after startmail updated their web logins to more secure (Maxthon5 browser probably would open cause traffic goes through their servers which is a very good way to use a secure email privacy in mind - but I had just removed it from my iPhone and did not remember it).


Ok. Can I take the screenshot of my post in Instagram with N900? Opera? Nope. Instagram won't show. Netsurf 3.9? Nope. Iceweasel? Yes!!! Finally I managed to log in to my Instagranm account and take a screenshot with my N900 of this post. But it wasn't easy.

But now as I am writing I understand I thought this on a too complicated way. Why I needed to get it as a screenshot? Why I didn't do it like this: taking a picture with my N900 of the Instagram post on the iPhone screen?
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Last edited by Maemish; 2020-01-04 at 23:02.

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