Thread: [Fremantle Maemo5] [Announce] OpenSSH status widget
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nonsuch's Avatar
Posts: 584 | Thanked: 1,553 times | Joined on Sep 2019
Thank you for this package that scratches an important itch.

I installed it with difficulties.

I am again seeing the below output - it does not seem to work either, as
pidof sshd
confirms: Just pressing the empty button neither starts nor stops sshd.
I can start/stop it manually though.
Then I uninstalled, reinstalled, had a broken config file, removed it, rebooted, and had it working fine for half a day!
That was yesterday; today I tried again and got the above again.

This is my current config:
wifiPMOffSec = 2 seconds
toggleWifiPM = True
wifiPMOnSec = 4 seconds
keepWifiPMOff = True

wifiPMIcon = True
showConnected = True
stopWhenIdle = True
showRestartButton = True
skipSystemCheck = False
stopTracking = True
trackingEnabled = True
showSettingsButton = True
configShowWifiHint = False
stopAfterMinutes = 5 minutes
showAllConnections = True
connectedIcon = Symbol
configReverseOrder = False
confirmDisconnect = True
How can I troubleshoot this?

This is on a N900 with CSSU testing and power kernel.

I also messed around with ssh over USB earlier, but dropped it again.
I don't think that left any residue but who knows.
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