Thread: [Fremantle Maemo5] [Announce] OpenSSH status widget
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Originally Posted by nonsuch View Post
So I made the WiFi connect automatically, and enabled Tracking in OSW, and it was all good until another reboot today - empty button again.
The only thing that I can think of that's different is that the battery was almost empty (5%).
Disabled Tracking, connected charger, rebooted - works again.
The reason is found in the output of netstat, which in case of no active network after booting gives some additional information about IP6 stuff. And that additional output is not compatible with the code at the moment.

What solves this in the meantime - on my device - is activating "Run server at system startup" and after booting stop sshd using the widgets button.

That lets the widget run with tracking enabled which gives information about active connections (hopefully on your device as well).
OpenSSH Status Widget (N900)
Start / stop / kill / restart / autostart server - View server status - View server and client connections - Switch wifi pm automatically

Simpler Brightness Applet (N900) - A variation of the Simple Brightness Applet
Short tap to toggle "keep backlight on" - Long tap to open display settings