devel-su mask the following: (just in case any of these triggers a reboot in the middle of OTA update) systemctl-user mask voicecall-ui-prestart.service systemctl-user mask mission-control-5.service systemctl-user mask booster-silica-media@.service systemctl-user mask voicecall-manager.service reboot devel-su if installed, unapply and remove all patches if installed, uninstall patchmanager if used, ssu dr mousetracker if used, ssu dr chum if used, ssu dr sailfishos-chum ssu release double check whether these three repos are pointing to the version: ssu lr adaptation-common should be: adaptation-community-common should be: adaptation-community-treltexx should be: ssu ur zypper ref zypper dup --details unmask the following: systemctl-user unmask voicecall-ui-prestart.service systemctl-user unmask mission-control-5.service systemctl-user unmask booster-silica-media@.service systemctl-user unmask voicecall-manager.service reboot