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Posts: 31 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Aug 2010
Oki, so I downloaded & tested a older version from 20231224, now the keyboard symbols and input-settings work. But, now I have other issues:
1. "App. manager" can't update anything, it had multiple sources (of same apparent Devuan? name) that could not be change from its menu, and "apt upgrade" never stops (over a 1000 packages tobe updated, 5 hours wait atm, and only done 50%, oki still on a micro-SDHC).
2. "Mypaint app" is still very slow.

Originally Posted by sicelo View Post
You are welcome to use postmarketOS. I have personally found that in general, linux is linux, i.e. distro-hopping isn't really useful.
Nah, Im just want; shttp for web to work, and good if "Mypaint" works as for Freemantle.

Originally Posted by sicelo View Post
On my installation, I disabled suspend, so I did not experience that problem
touch /home/user/.cache/sxmo/sxmo.nosuspend
Anyway, the postmarketOS issue tracker is the best place to report those issues. I've scaled down my postmarketOS work, but if you open issues there, I will look at them when I have some free time. (yes, I am the maintainer for N900 packaging in postmarketOS)
I giving up on "sxmo" (too quirky), -need tobe recompiled to configured. I will try "i3wm" version of postmarketOS next, similar tilting wm.

Last edited by phoohb; 2024-10-22 at 21:22.