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Originally Posted by RogerS View Post
Flash is ubiquitous. Ari Jaaksi said once that the experience of surfing the web on the Internet Tablet had to be the equal of surfing on a full-size computer.

Without Flash, you don't have it.

Note that I haven't brought Java into this. That's a significant hole in the NIT's capabilities, with web-surfing effects. But I don't think Java rises to the level of walkaround-web necessity.
Well, everyone's opinion is different, particularly when it comes to heavyweight client runtimes like Flash or Java. I personally don't think Flash is a web-surfing requirement. In fact, I install FlashBlock for the complete opposite requirement - a Flash-free web!

Originally Posted by RogerS
- Always on. The 770's cover not only turned off the display and protected the screen, it also broke the WiFi connection. "Instant on" seemed good enough at the time, but today we realize the net needs to be able to reach out and signal us.
Didn't they fix that in a later version of the firmware? That is, I thought they added a configurable option that controls whether or not the 770 should kill the WiFi radio when the cover is placed. Granted, it's not the default behavior, even if it should be, but it seems the makers of the 770 were at least (eventually) on the same page as you when it comes to this point.