has anybody look at this one, http://www.boxwave.com/products/batt...pter/index.htm. +S/H = $27. Just an alternative choice to Tekkeon 1550. They claimed "up to 5 fully recharge cycle", with 4 AA battery? I doubt it.... Just trying to avoid the Nokia Ca100 cable for $39.95. Oh well... Battery adapter pro. bun Edit: How about this one too, http://www.amazon.com/APC-PNOTEBX-US..._cr_pr_sims_t? APC USB battery extender Edit: Using a USB charging cable "SIDO" ($5.99 from ebay), to charge from a laptop (an old PC) to N800 from a dead battery (wont boot, or shut down after showing a red battery icon, not the yellow one with exclaimation mark), 30 min charge while the tablet is showing the charging icon (i.e., the tablet is NOT on) gives 2 squares on the battery icon, like 50% juice. And the laptop is NOT plugged in. I have also tried a 2XAA battery charger using 2000 mAh recharging batteries, it wakes up a 770 from dead battery, but it cannot wake up a dead N800. Upon charging, it charges the N800 for ~1 min then it refuses to charge. So far, the only one that is giving consistent results, wake up the tablet and charging the tablet is charging via USB port of a notebook PC. Any comments? Old news? Sorry..... bun