Mediastreamer - New application from Nokia?
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2006-09-03 , 02:13
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2006 @ India
I found the following information from the tableteer-Enhance page.
A stream of music from your PC to your 770
Think of the music you have stored on your home PC. Now you can easily access it with your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet.
Media Streamer application enables listening to the music stored on your PC, in practically which ever corner of your home you like. Switch on the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet and choose your favorite songs shown on your device from the PC to play them.
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet is enabled with UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) technology, which makes possible a new way to have your home devices working seamlessly together.
Give it a try!
We will show you in 3 easy steps how to listen to the music from PC with your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet.
NOTE! The devices must be connected to the same WLAN access point.
For this set-up you need Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, a PC and a functioning WLAN access point.
Download and install a mediaserver to your PC. Mediaserver is software for sharing content from your PC. You can do it e.g. with software called SimpleCenter. Download SimpleCenter to your PC from
You need software in your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet to browse and play the shared content from PC. Install Media Streamer to your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet for this purpose. Please follow these instructions to install the application:
1. Tap and select Tools > Application manager
2. Tap Install new applications
3. Find Media Streamer from the list and tap it twice to install it. If you don’t see Media Streamer on the list, please refresh the list from Application manager > Tools > Refresh list of packages
Open Media Streamer in your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. Browse and choose the music you want to listen and just play it.
Last edited by syam; 2006-09-03 at
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