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Posts: 36 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Originally Posted by =DC=
Twonky is a very capable UPnP server. Good choice. I've actually been working with GMediaStreamer in Ubuntu a little more and found the solution to getting all my mp3s to show up in Media Streamer for the 770. I use the following command line option:

$ gmediaserver --disable-id3 -ieth1 -v4 ./<path>

Before I just used:

$ gmediaserver -ieth1 -v4 ./<path>

Just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone who might have trouble using GMediaStreamer in the future.
I did more work with FC5 and got GMediaStreamer working well. I had limited time yesterday and didn't realize that it doesn't serve oggs by default, hence the giant hole in my collection. Today, I set it up correctly only to realize that ogg is still not supported on the Nokia side. Unfortunately most of my music is in ogg.

It seems like such a glaring oversight to not have native ogg support on the 770 yet.