Doubt all you like. The fact is that the model is being inverted. Eventually VoIP will be THE way to conduct calls. Any company involved in this industry would be mistaken in assuming the current telco model will persist forever. The writing is already on the wall. And based on history, I don't see most of the telcos, especially those here in the US, demonstrating the sufficient agility to adapt with the user market. ISPs on the other hand, can and do. They lack the stifling legacy. With few exceptions, the telcos are throwing token efforts at wireless change. I suspect a few CEOs are gonna wake up one day wondering "WTF???" EDIT: oh, and Nokia is no longer considered a mere "phone company". As usual, you assume too much and too hastily. Nokia does know. And if you have to ask the point of upcoming tablets, then I'm wondering how receptive you would be to any answers... Disclaimer: my yammerings, teasing, poking, protesting and wry commentary originate entirely within my own skull and in no way reflect any official company policy or propaganda. That stuff has yet to penetrate. My biological and technological distinctiveness is MINE!