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Originally Posted by Boke View Post
I used this one as an example and since the bug was talking about the UI I talked about the design flaws for this one. I know that nothing is flawless, but I don't even know here if the bug we're talking about is properly fixed, unless I trust you blindly.
I'm ok if it's a won't fix in diablo and you fix it in fremantle, but if it's fixed, I'd like to know how it's fixed.
I know you've got an NDA on it so you can't comment much, but then, what's the point of marking it as fixed?
To note, I was going through bugs marked as enhancements. I think there's a difference between "bugs as such" and then enhancement bugs. I can't tell you _how_ the enhancement will be done in Fremantle - and whatever the enhancement will be, somebody will not agree with them - but I hope that there is value in knowing that "yes, this issue and enhancement proposal is something with agree with and Nokia will deliver in some future release X", vs. "Wontfix = we don't really agree with this issue, don't expect an update to this issue from Nokia, feel free to pursue this issue yourselves".

I fail to see how the alternative would be better: I would know that we are going to do this enhancement in some release, but I would then keep this information all to myself, up to the day when Fremantle is then actually launched. How would that be better?

Originally Posted by Boke View Post
I like to see Bugzilla as a collaborative tool shared by developers and users to exchange their views on some software.
Marking bugs as RESOLVED without telling anyone what you did to resolve it doesn't seem much interesting to me. Now the bug is not in the OPEN state anymore. So noone is supposed to be working on it anymore, while it's not fixed in Diablo. And noone will bother working on it, since there is a fix, in Fremantle. I don't know... maybe it's a massive bug hunt that nokia is doing... but I don't get the point of it.
Yes, the process is half-way in this manner. A fully open process, I guess, would show the enhancement and allow visibility on what the future UI will be, and allow contributions towards the app, the ui and the development process. We are still a ways off from that. Someday that might happen, or then not. I'm no good at predictions like that, since those things are outside my control.

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