I had the problem since my first install of NITdroid (around 18th December). I'm thinking this may be a screen calibration problem. I found the pointer location app in DevTools and this shows that at the bottom of the screen the calibration is off by about 4mm. There is quite a bit of variation across screen with only the centre left edge having no error.
Is there a screen calibration app in Android?
Finally, I can't get 0.3.1 to return from screen blanking. Once it's gone blank pressing the keys or the screen has no effect. Eventually, it seems to power off as pressing the power key will produce a restart. Strangely, when adb is connected running logcat, it will recover.
battery management is wacky. First, it drains. Then, the icon disappears. Then, it "charges" (without being plugged in). Then it drains. Then, the icon disappears...