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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Makes sense. You can always resell your device later because you want a different type of convergence. The sooner, the better (related to warranty, new products, battery quality, lower price of new product). For example, take Luso's post into account a few posts above this one. He can now sell his HP laptop and N800 because the netbook does its job well enough.

In fact, after I was aware of the quality of the N800 and Maemo and the fact Sharp was going to ditch the Zaurus product line I quickly ditched my SL C1000 + accessoires for about 80% of the (Japan) new price which was about 1 year after I bought the device. Give original receipt and voila.

It'd have been even better to sell it before Sharp announced, or earlier. The longer you wait, the more it is in your disadvantage. Unless you want to bet and wait for it acquiring the status antique
Ok, would be a way out, sort of. But I hate the stress of managing this. Additionally, I would always be tempted to tell the buyer "hey there is this and this better thing and that's the reason i sell it ..." (well, simply the unfavorable truth ). I try to avoid this.