While I loaded some movies on my tablet and view pdfs on there now and again, these were, for me, never central use cases. But that doesn't mean that I don't commiserate with the rest of you for whom they are central activities on your beloved tablet. For me, my n800 was my first (and only) mobile web device. I loved getting to know it, finding new things to do with it, new ways it changed my life. It's the first thing I've purchased that I felt was new every day. But for me, the draw of this community *was* and *is* maemo-centric, not tablet-centric. True, I don't care much about a netbook, but rather mobile web on a maemo device. I've spent so many hours learning about linux and maemo, learning what can and can't be done, and having confidence that, in the end, just about *everything* can be done, and usually by a nice and enterprising member of our community. THIS is the draw for me, personally. So the fact that nokia is going full-throttle with an open OS that I love is more than a little solace. And while a smaller maemo device is welcome in my book, I'd hate to lose members of the community because a tablet is not forthcoming. Here's hoping those members stick around by finding alternate hardware that can run MER. I can say with confidence that if the bulk of the community spends more time on MER, I will seriously consider abandoning fremantle for MER even on the new device .