Plea for help for Mer.. technical cross-compile and packaging day 15th + 19th July
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2009-07-10 , 21:00
Posts: 119 | Thanked: 412 times | Joined on Aug 2008
As you may know, Mer uses OBS to build packages inside a chroot running qemu - like scratchbox.
However OBS emulates *everything*.... this makes it very stable but also a bit slow.
To improve this the OBS guys have a solution that involves installing a few cross-compiled applications. ie they install i586 apps into the qemu chroot.
These apps replace the arm binaries (so no paths to /scratchbox/* that won't build elsewhere).
However there are issues with library paths etc. that need resolving.
They have this solution working for spec/rpm packages but not dsc/deb packages... which we of course need.
So in the best open source spirit we're going to have a hackday or two to try and get this to work.
We'll be meeting around 10am CEST (8am UTC, 9am BST) on the 15th in #opensuse-buildservice and #mer on freenode. If (!) we don't finish it then we'll be having another crack on the 19th.
If you are interested and feel you can help then please let me know and turn up; if you're not sure, ask me.
For those who don't understand then start here:
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