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Originally Posted by Framstag View Post
My code still has to pass the test on the real device
Any idea when you'll have something ready?

Currently several projects incl. my own gpxview and osm2go as well as ecoach are using osm-gps-map. I do understand your approach, but i see several reasons why this classic tile based approach seems better to me:

- osm-gps-map is really easy to port and already runs smoothly on the devices, no rendering on the device is required
- osm-gps-map currently runs on chinook/diablo and fremantle
- osm-gps-map also supports google and several other map sources
- running on life data makes it easy to take advantage of map updates. This may not be an issue with google maps etc. but osm is constantly being updated

While libchamplain seems to be using more eye candy etc, it will sure never work on the old diablo/chinook machines (unless someone backports clutter which i really doubt).

Currently all our projects integrate osm-gps-map directly into the binary, but i am seriously thinking of making a generic and seperate map widget from this. I have already done all the necessary changes to have it run on diablo/chinook, i have made it being able to run without any local disk cache. The ecoach authors added the ability to place buttons (e.g. zoom) on the map.
osm-gps-map already had the ability to add custom poi icons, draw tracks and a gps marker. Currently i am tending to use osm-gps-map. But i'd be willing to change my mind if there's some really serious work being done on an alternative approach.