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thecursedfly's Avatar
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
...(long post of previous page)...
don't take it as an offense pls, but you look a bit like a marketing guy, telling me what I need and not, what I might or not need in the future... they're feature missing which were in previous models, which i was looking forward for, that's it.

i don't own BT keyb and mouse, and buying those costs, even mose since you need batteries. I once had a BT mouse, but got tired of the batteries problems and switched back to a 'eternal' USB mouse.

i don't want a wifi router since i allready have a well working ethernet one; a cable has lesser lag/errors problems and uses the available speed more efficiently; and lastly, it might seem crazy, since we're bombarded continuously with every kind of radiations (including GPRS, 3G, BT, wifi..), I try to avoid unneeded extra radiation all day and night long.

i don't see alternatived for the usb flash drives so far. the bluetooth usb hub still has to be confirmed if you're referring to that, and the usb sd adapter isn't usable with the N900 (see where the sd slot is).

my digital camera uses SD cards, not microSD. only ways to transfer photos are: USB or SD reader. for me the photos of the N900 might be good enough for some occasions, but not enough for other occasions. EyeFi is a product more I should buy, and it's not really cheap.

"It exists, its referred to earlier in this thread." about the bluetooth-USB Hub.. I wouldn't be so sure about that, as I allready posted here:
try to find one in any shop online and post a link, thanks. no hands-on review either afaik. ( here the author of the article says: "So yeah, I am most definitely gona order myself one of these Bluetooth USB Hubs." he never had it in his hands either.)

anyway i repeat, it looks like you decide what i need or not... exactly what i hate in apple's marketing.

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