Okay. It happened again. The only error Xterm gave was that a Segmentation Fault had occurred. Good luck tracking that little weird bug down. *lol*
Dialcentral 1.0.7-9 on N900 wont let me log in - i've done an apt-get purge, removed the .dialcentral directory and reinstalled. Any ideas?
Epage, I am loving the new user experience you have given us with the latest releases. Its really meshing together beautifully. **Can I make a minor suggestion. Again I'm going to try and explain. On previous builds, when I was done typing the sms to be sent, I was able to hit down on the D pad and then the middle dpad button to send. It was a nice work around to having the "auto spell" window that pops up over the send button. The way it functions now, hitting down selects the Dial button. I think I placed 3 calls today by accident due to habit. I can get used to the new way but found the old much easier. Keep the builds coming.
- the SMS edit window and virtual keyboard seems to need a bit of alignment. Not fitting properly and makes it look a bit messy..
- on the account screen is a 'log in' button that is still active when you are already logged in. Would it be possible to have that button change to 'Log out/Change Account' when you logged in?.