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f(x)'s Avatar
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
FYI, disagreement is fine, but do you have to label an idea as "bad"?

Anyway, as I seem to keep having to mention over and over again, everything is subject to abuse. The potential of abuse is not enough to discredit an idea. If it were, we'd still be planting crops with sticks and harvesting by hand.
I know it was your idea ,but still my opinion is valid. I am free to explain the world around me in the way I see it either good or bad in respect to my logic. Building my concepts doesn't state it is correct and shouldn't be considered right into others point of view. This also doesn't mean my opinion is less valuable than others.

To show & illustrate why I think this is bad here some of them:

1- This will get users into rewarding every single posts they can find by "Thanks" ,even if there is limits here. All of this is in order to get some karma.
2- There won't be any point to post any thing useful if you are going to get thanked anyway, and why you should? (old users might , but think about new users)
3- This will destroy the community we know by increasing the useless topics/posts which its goal is to get as much intention as it could in order to receive the highest "thanks" possible.
4- This will make the people more lazy.
5- We aren't talking about the only abusing it can be done, but also with the potential of determining which member is more valuable to the community more than others (See what n900 discount thing did)

The way it is now is good and more than good. I think it should be left as it is. When an important need would be required for such improvement then at that time it would be necessary to think about.
Please don't consider any given "Thanks" by this user as a positive sign of grateful; as a leak of giving "-Thanks" is a leaked feature here. You might be rewarded by meaningless "Thanks" by this user.
-Thanks for your understanding

Last edited by f(x); 2009-10-21 at 22:23. Reason: Typo...

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