Hello everybody, this is my first post here Just bored out of your head waiting for your preorder? What better to do than getting ready. Things I am doing to enhance my experience when I get mine: 1. Organizing/unifying all my contacts What I do is I use Gmail's Contacts for this. I have collected all my contacts from my current mobile phone, MSN, Skype, Facebook, Email, and unified them all. The great thing is you can enter all kinds of IM information on each contact. My plan is to sync this to my N900 with Mail for exchange when i get it. I do hope this will sync correctly for the Contacts app, like Skype and MSN and so on. Sadly the contats images on Gmail is very low quality and probably wont sync. 2. Collecting avatar images of all my friends. I have saved them from MSN, Facebook, photos and so on. Important here is to have a nice photo that is 1:1 like 200x200 px or something like that. 3. Tagging my music collection Making sure ID3 tags are correct, compilation albums are sorted correctly etc, I use Banshee for this. I have also collected album art and saved it as folder. jpg for each album. Great tools for this is Banshee and albumart.org. Sure hope the media player can pick up folder.jpg and dont need them album art embedded as ID3. Anyone else doing things like this to "get ready"?