Webshop Customer Help says: hello? Waleed says: yea sorry Waleed says: i thought u didnt reply Waleed says: i placed an preorder yesterday Waleed says: for n900 Waleed says: my friend placed one last month he still hasnt got the money of his account .. but i got mine straight away.. Waleed says: does that mean you're gonna dispatch it soon? Webshop Customer Help says: the date of delivery is first week of december, we are getting them in late this month Waleed says: ok why did they get money of my account now? Webshop Customer Help says: its now actually taken until we despatch, the bank shadow that amount until we take it! Waleed says: how late would i get it once its in stock Waleed says: my order number is 320463 Webshop Customer Help says: we do not know until we get the phone and we will keep you updated via email then your order is complete - which reserves you a phone and then another email when its ready for despatch. Waleed says: oh alright then thanks for the info..