looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooool This is crazy but people will believe what they want to believe To the guy who phoned Nokiaretail and got told that they are a part of nokia I have just one question... How gullable are you? What do you expect them to say? "Damn! You got me!" Bottom line to everyone who's orederd through NokiaRETAIL.co.uk I promise you this. I'll be in this thread posting pics of my linux device and you... You'll be waiting for dec 3rd just like carphonewarehouse thelink and phones4u. If you still refuse to believe me just ring nokia. The official nokia Heres the number 0800 331 6021 And ask them if they work with or have even heard of nokiaretail or mpd. I guarantee you they haven't
Bottom line to everyone who's orederd through NokiaRETAIL.co.uk I promise you this. I'll be in this thread posting pics of my linux device and you... You'll be waiting for dec 3rd