I will be switching from a Palm Centro, (original Palm OS) What will I miss from my Centro: - Outlook Sync: n900 doesn't sync Outlook categories (Pam OS does) - physical button to switching to silent mode (I love the fact I can switch my phone to silent mode while in meeting or conversation without having to pull it out. In meetings it is contagious when one starts everyone dose it and it kills the tone in the situation.) - Ability to operate the phone and MP3 player with gloves on. - Quick contact lookup by initials (maybe n900 will come through) - Google maps (its slow but it is all I need - I don't have a data plan) - Voice Dial What I get with the n900 - Multitasking, record meeting audio while taking notes. - WiFi and real web drowsing - and all that comes with it. - Media assess through the device -v- through the PC onto the device. - SSH + RDP - Bigger screen for entertainment (+ Video Out) - GPS and Map's - A camera and video recorder that takes acceptable photos. - A computer!
(I love the fact I can switch my phone to silent mode while in meeting or conversation without having to pull it out. In meetings it is contagious when one starts everyone dose it and it kills the tone in the situation.)