Nokia is trying to build a phone to basicly do what the I phone did 3 years ago. Nokia aimed low with the N900 and hit low by releasing an unfinished product without many of the basic features of the most basic phones. And in case you have not been paying attention to whats going on in the world, its not about hardware any more, its what you can do with it, today. That means apps and app support. Which Nokia is severely lacking in.
For all the griping I have been hearing about the Apple app store and the restrictions, The OVI store it seems is even a bigger pain in the ***. Here is my favorite, nokia politely telling developers to F@$# off "EDIT: Chanse Arrington, an employee of Nokia have stated through twitter than Ovi store isn’t the only way to deliver applications, and free applications will be available through Yeah way to go Nokia
Of coarse Apple will update the Iphone, the next incarnation will have full flash support and have 64gb of internal storage. and there will probably be 150,00 apps in the app store by then.