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Originally Posted by abhisheiktripathi2007 View Post
Hello everyone.
I am a big fan of Nokia's new N900. So much so that I have decided not to wait any further and buy it from Finland.
One of my relative is in Finland and he will be returning to India on 7th January. However I have some doubts and it would be great if anyone of you could help me out.

1. Will I be able to update the firmware using NSU in India?
2. If something goes wrong with the phone what are my options other than returning it to Nokia Finland? Will Nokia India fix the phone with some charges or it won't be able to do that?
3. I suppose the phone will have English language support. Please comment
4. I noticed that the device was out of stock from Nokia Finland Store. Is the device available at retail outlets or it is only available at Nokia Stores?
5. How much does Nokia usually takes to deliver the phone if booked on the internet?
6. Will it work on BSNL 3G. The frequency is 2100 MHz.
7. Is there anything that I may miss out other than Nokia India warranty by purchasing N900 from Finland?
8. What other points must I keep in mind and convey to my relative in Finland before purchasing the device?

Kindly reply as soon as possible as I want to book the device as early as possible.
Thank you
5. I ordered from on 18th Dec and it was delivered(to UK) today. Check the online stock availability and go for it if it looks good.
6. I have checked the frequencies and it would work in India. No issues.

Any idea when n900 will be launched in India? Estimated price?

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